Arthur and Melody is available for purchase on Amazon.

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Arthur and Melody

In the halls of an ordinary high school, an extraordinary battle between good and evil is about to begin.

After a brutal bullying incident, Arthur Barberin is bestowed with divine powers from God, including the ability to interpret dreams. God reveals to him that he will not face this mission alone; he will have an assistant and companion to help him thwart the devil's plans.

Enter Melody Santos, a girl from the Philippines who has just moved to Arthur's hometown of Dottyville, Texas. She receives similar divine powers, including the ability to heal emotional trauma with her touch.

Together, Arthur and Melody must stand against the devil, who is plotting the rise of the Antichrist and the acceleration of the apocalypse within the shadows of their high school. As they battle these dark forces, their faith will be tested, and they will discover their growing feelings for each other.

Order your copy today and embark on an unforgettable adventure with Arthur and Melody! Purchase here!